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domingo, 10 de junho de 2007

Ararat Declaration by Greenpeace

A organização ambientalista Greenpeace começou a construir uma réplica da Arca de Noé no monte Ararat para alertar os líderes dos principais países do mundo para o risco de uma catástrofe mundial devido à mudança climática, aproveitando a próxima cúpula do G8.

A réplica da embarcação bíblica será reconstruída por 20 carpinteiros alemães e turcos, e, no futuro, será usada como um albergue na montanha.

A réplica da Arca de Noé foi inaugurada oficialmente em 31 de maio com a leitura da declaração climática que se apresenta a seguir.


"On behalf of the people and communities of the world, who have entrusted you, our leaders, appointed or elected, with the management of our earth and its natural resources on which our lives and well-being depend.

We express our grave concern about the devastating effects of climate change. Climate change will cause extreme droughts, water crises, food shortages, wars, mass migrations, sea level rises, extreme weather events and flooding on a scale unheard of since the story of Noah was first told. All natural life on this planet will irreversibly alter, destroying the lives and livelihoods of billions of persons.


We remind you, that your mandate is to protect our lives, homes, our communities and our natural resources from both man-made and natural threats. You shall not, either in policy or deed, do anything which imperils the wellbeing of those whom you represent. We deem leadership without such ability or commitment to be meaningless and void.


In the face of climate change we ask that you:

1. Explictly accept and enforce the fundamental right of every person under your responsibility to protection of his security of life, home, health, community and access to vital natural resources.

2. Explicitly accept and enforce your obligation to inform any person under your responsibility of the threat to his security that climate change poses and of your contribution to its global mitigation.

3. Effect an ‘Energy Revolution’ by a radical program of efficiency measures and the comprehensive uptake of and investment in renewable energy. By 2050 over half of global energy needs must be met by sustainable renewables. In addition, nuclear and inefficient fossil fuels energy infrastructure will urgently be decomissioned globally, all involved subsidies and investments to be discontinued.

4. Make sustainable, renewable energy available to everyone. A quarter of the world’s population currently has no access to a modern energy supply, driving and sustaining poverty.

5. Educate, empower and guide all communities, individuals, corporations and other entities under your responsibility to bring about any changes of behavior, regulation, products and processes which equitably, effectively and sustainably contribute to climate change mitigation.

6. Refrain and effectively, peacefully dissuade others to refrain from the operation of dangerous and destabilizing forms of energy production such as those which involve nuclear technology.

7. Immediately enter into an agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. This agreement will oblige states to implement these climate change mitigation principles, measures and targets and create an effective monitoring and enforcement mechanism.

8. Provide access to effective legal remedy to all persons, communities, organizations and states affected by climate change or representing those who are affected.

Greenpeace May 31, 2007 "

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